Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Welcome to My Life

This makes it official. I am now a certified Blogger. I've wanted to be one for the longest time, but fear and trepidation that I would have absolutely NOTHING to write about have kept me from it! Then I decided that there are millions of Bloggers out there, and very few of them have anything worthwhile to say!! Does that keep them from Blogging every day! Heck, No!! Does that keep us from reading them? Heck No! So, I am joining them!
Next Blog will be from Ball State University's Homecoming. It is this weekend and since the game is at noon, Tailgating will start about 10 a.m. Pretty darn early for a glass of wine (okay....a bottle of Pinot Grigio) for this old grandma, but I will try very hard to join in the festivities.